Eguzon & the Val de Creuse

In the heart of France, between Berry and Limousin, Eguzon and the Val de la Creuse invite you to relax. Located on the first foothills of the Massif Central, you will find a green setting, preserved nature and authenticity that have already seduced the great names of French painting and literature such as Monet, George Sand and Maurice Rollinat.
Come discover these landscapes modeled in the granite and these charming villages at the turnings of the many hiking trails of the Valley. The construction in 1926 of one of the largest hydroelectric dams in Europe, saw the cased valley give way to the 312 hectares of Lake Eguzon, which will offer you a wide choice of leisure and water activities for the whole Family and all seasons. Eguzon and the Val de Creuse invite you, do not hesitate any more ...